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Samhain Ritual

Join us Sunday November 3, 2024 at 4:00 pm, as we honor the most beloved sabbat of the Witches Wheel of the Year - Samhain! Costumes, ritual garb, festive wear welcomed!

It's the Witches new year, the veil between the worlds is thin and we will be honoring our beloved dead and the Goddess Hecate, the Queen of the Witches! Goddess of crossroads, transformation and magic.

All ritual participants are welcome to bring a photo or object in honor of their beloved dead to place on the altar (don't worry, you'll be bringing it back home with you)

It’s a high feast day! Following the ritual we will enjoy a pitch-in meal. For the sake of ease, if your name begins with the letters A-O please bring an entree dish, if your name begins with P-R please bring a vegetable or fruit dish, if your name begins with T-Z feel free to bring a dessert or snack food. Beverages will be provided (water, cider, soft drinks).

Gathering and social time begins at 4:00pm, introductions at 4:30pm, and Ritual begins at 5:00 pm ! Once the ritual has begun no late comers will be permitted to enter the room until the doors are opened again at the end of the ritual.

This ritual is being offered for a fee of $30.00 per person, this fee helps us cover operational costs and the continuation of Cornucopia's mission. PLEASE RSVP by using VENMO or PAYPAL @corucopiacollective or CONTACT ORGANIZERS IF YOU PLAN TO PAY CASH on the day of the event, No one is ever turned away for lack of funds - please contact us if you need a sliding scale or scholarship.

All of our rituals, events and classes are open to the public, no prior attendance at any Cornucopia event is needed. Cornucopia is a pluralistic Pagan community, we value all! Any tradition or level of learning/experience is welcomed! Newcomers are always invited!

September 22

Mabon - Autumn Equinox Ritual

December 15

Yule - Winter Solstice Ritual